Thursday, July 29, 2010

What should i do in this case... guys n girls pls advice me..?

I met a girl on the phone 2 years back ,pretty soon we became good friends, moreover she was like a little sister to me. when i asked her for her pics , she sent me some pics of her friend and not hers, she used to send the same girls pics whenever i ask.Unfortunately i had no chance to meet her in person, thus she kept cheating that the one in the pic was her,

Later on after 2 years i found out that the girl in the pics was not her actually through one of her friends. we had become very good pals by this time.As soon as i found out i cursed myself forgetting cheated like that. now pls advice me, whether i should keep talking to her the own way i usually do (i guess i couldn do that) ,else should i ditch her for cheating on me.What should i do in this case... guys n girls pls advice me..?
She never cheated on you, lied yes but not cheated and she wouldn't be the first one to do that in life meeting someone that way.

She is probably very insecure and has more feeling for you that what you realize and thinks that sending a true pic of her might put you off.

Have you confronted her about about the false pics?, maybe you should meet up and find out the truth.What should i do in this case... guys n girls pls advice me..?
the previous answer was pretty fair.

id simply like to add this: you said she was like a sis to you, then why all this emotional rush? would you take it this seriously if this were a boy? no. YOU are the cheat. from 'sis' to 'pals' to..?

you guys should be whipped!

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