Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guys, guys, guys, and girls! give an advice!!?

i live with my parents in a flat on the first floor. i like the guy that lives in the next entrance of our house. he's never seen me and doesn't know. whole my family knows his family, but nobody knows his name, and my family doesn't talk much to his parents. i've noticed him because he keeps leaving his car in front of my window. should i do anything? in russia it's not often when girls come up first. what do you think should be done not only by me, but also maybe by somebody else. well, give an advice. And what should i do or say so that he likes me? P.S. he's 20, i'm 18.the point is that it's russia, it's not usual here for girls to make the first move. and also, how should a girl behave in the conversation with a man? P.P.S. i'm perhaps too shy to make the fist move, and bumpin inot him won't really work, coz there's too much space around.Guys, guys, guys, and girls! give an advice!!?
Try to get him to notice you see if he smile or shows any sign of interest. Then maybe he will make that move on you.Keep smiling everytime you see him and say hilet him know you are interested.Guys, guys, guys, and girls! give an advice!!?
you could always be outside doing something or getting home at a certain time if you know when he is going to get home. You said he parks in front of your window. Maybe you could open your curtain so he could see you. Or when he pulls up just go outside and say hey I noticed you have been parking in front of my window. Do you live around here or are you just visiting because I don't think we have met and then tell him your name and see what happens.
do it
hmm you dont have to even say a word, just start slow by having him acutally know you're alive! like be outside when he's pulling out of his car, have him see you, then you can go from there
If u really like him ten go ahead n tell him... or @least try 2 b a frend of hiz 1st or tell him straight...
';in russia it's not often when girls come up first.'; be the 1st girl
Damn russia sux a s s. try movin 2 America
ok just go up to him and say hi im ur nabor and i wanted to inurduce my self

u need to make the move or it wont happen
get him by doing flirting only, but with careness
he is the right guy if he notices you and he really likes you. if you like him thne you still have to wait. but if you already have the courage to make the first move then do it !!!!
shut up already.. how many times did i see your f'ing question to-day???

tea bag me!

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